Pokud nekoho, stejne jako me, obcas uz boli oci od koukani do monitoru, a presto jeste musi neco udelat, pritom si ovsem vystaci s linuxem a textovou konzoli, resp. nevadi mu emacs (mimochodem emcas neni spatny editor/ne jen editor, ale prijde mi zatim obludne velky), nize mate navod, jak svuj linux obohatit o, rekl bych velmi zdarili, zvukovy recovy vystup pomoci emacspeaku a IBM ViaVoice Text-To-Speech. Jedna se o anglicke "howto", kterezeto jsem sepsal pro sebe a pro pripadne zajemce:

Pokud vas moznost text-to-speech vystupu emacsu a konzole nezajima, muzete tentopripevek s klidem prustit z hlavy.

INSTALATION of EMACSPEAK and IBM ViaVoice procedure.

This file contains description of how my installation was done.

I wrote this howto for my future instalations and also because I was unsure of a lot of things during instalation (for example: Which files I need from IBM?) and I hope to save lot of time to other people.

I am using almost unmodified Red Hat 7.0 CZ (Czech) Workstation instalation. Files for emacs that I expect that are related to emacspeak and that I had instaled:

Packages you need:
From IBM site: (http://www-4.ibm.com/software/speech/dev/index.html) (You need to fill the registration there.)

viavoice_tts_rtk_5.tar - contains readme and rpm instalation for Text-To-Speech (TTS) Run Time Kit (rtk) for Linux!

viavoice_tts_sdk_5.tar - contains readme and rpm instalation for Text-To-Speech Software Development Kit for Linux! This file contains Outloud.
(these files are also in emacspeak dowload dir):
How I found for proper function of emacspeak you also need tclx*.rpm from RH distribution. -

Not necessary is:

1.step - Instalation of ViaVoice.
rpm -ivh ViaVoice* , I've got dependenci error that libXm can not be found. (This is probably for lesstif frontend for Outloud which I do not need.) so I did instalation with --nodeps. Then instalation was without problems. And after check with 'runcmdlinespeakfile' (which is very nice!) in /usr/lib/ViaVoiceTTS/samples/cmdlinespeak, speech seems to be ready.

2.step - Instalation of emacspeak.
rpm -ivh emacspeak*, without problem.

After instalation there is a short message what to do to run emacspeak with Outloud. There in 2) is mentioned that you have to change to emacspeak dir /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/linux-outloud and run 'make' to compile Outloud support. There is not mentioned that you need also to do 'make install' and relogin. (It is mentioned in emacspeak NOTE.)

In 3) there is written that you need to obtain and install http://www.leb.net/pub/blinux/emacspeak/blinux/stdiom.tar.gz for some feature of Outloud to work. Accidentaly there is not written what to do with this package to install, and README inside package is very poor and almost useless. What I found, this package contains precompiled version of stdiosynth (you are not able to compile it without Open Source Sound (OSS) driver so rather don't do make there), and if you what stdiosynth to work it is necessary to copy stdiosynth into /usr/bin directory. Newertheless Outloud after checking with 'tcl /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/outloud' still gives error that can not initialize "notes". You can get rid of this by commenting line 282 in /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/server/outlout file, but what I found it is not necessary to do that to run emacspeak.

In stdiom.README, there is mentioned that you need some package from http://www.4Front-Tech.com/. I do not know what is there but I expect that it is OSS driver, for compilation and therefore you don't need it. I was not able to run command midi_tk | stdiosynth, which is mentioned in this README because I do not have midi_tk, so I did not do that.

That was instalation of emacspeak. After testing with 'tcl /usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/servers/outloud' I still got error that EMACSPEAK_DIR is not set to right dir. I've added export EMACSPEAK_DIR="/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/emacspeak/" into my .bash-profile and relogin.

Then after running emacspeak with -o option, it succesfully started with Outloud output.

And it is all. What remains is to learn how to work with emacs, I've never used it. Also I do not guarantee that everything what is written here is fine, but emacspeak seems to work after all.

In RH7.3 there is README-Accessibility which describes briefly how to install emacspeak in this distribution.

Covex <covex_at_bbs.cvut.cz>